Top Questions to Ask About Cosmetology School Before You Enroll

questions to ask about cosmetology


Touring beauty schools is a whirlwind of excitement, and it can be easy to get lost in the moment. But the school you choose will impact the rest of your career. It’s important to ask smart questions so that you have all the information you need to make a decision. Here are the ten most important questions to ask about cosmetology school before you enrol.

Before enrolling in a beauty school, you should ask what they teach, how they teach it, and what it costs. You should also ask about the requirements you’ll need to fulfil in order to enrol.

1. What Programs Does the School Offer?

You don’t want to enrol thinking you’ll be attending an esthetics program that doesn’t exist! Make sure the school offers the program you’re interested in before you get too attached to the idea of attending.

2. What Courses Does the School Offer?

Once you know the school offers your program, ask what courses you’ll need to take to complete it. This will give you a good idea of what you’ll be learning, and how in-depth your education at the school will be in the end.

And again, if your heart is set on a specific course, you’ll know whether or not this school provides it!

3. Is the School Accredited?

It’s extremely important to find out whether or not the school is accredited before you enroll. Accredited schools meet national education standards, while a non-accredited school may or may not do so.

Beauty schools don’t have to be accredited, but accredited schools are usually your better option. This is because accredited beauty schools typically offer a better education and open up more cosmetology job opportunities to students after graduation.

In addition, only accredited schools offer student loans.

You should also keep in mind that if you attend an unaccredited school, then later pursue further education at an accredited school, your previous education won’t be counted.

This means that, in order to attend an accredited school, you’d have to start back at the beginning.

4. What Are Your Methods of Teaching Like?

Everyone learns differently, which is why you need to know if the beauty school you’re looking at matches your learning style.

For example, Tricoci University describes their teaching technique as covering fewer product brands, in a more in-depth way. This might sound great to you, or maybe you’re someone who prefers to learn about a higher volume of products.

There are all sorts of variables like this. Even if a school is wonderful, that doesn’t make it the right choice for you.

You want a high-quality education, of course! But if their teaching methods don’t suit your needs, it’s alright to walk away and look somewhere else.

5. Do Students Get to Practice Their Skills on Real People?

Practicing on mannequins can teach you a lot, but eventually, you’ll want to practice your skills on real people. See if the school offers this before you enroll.

Practicing on real people can teach you a variety of skills mannequins can’t, such as customer service. Mannequins don’t talk back, and they don’t tell you if you’re pulling their hair or applying makeup too roughly!

6. What Requirements Must I Meet in Order to Attend This School?

You should know your state’s laws before you tour any beauty schools, but sometimes a particular beauty school may have extra requirements you must fulfill before enrolling.

These could include having a high school diploma or GED, taking an entrance exam, clearing a background check, proving residency or citizenship status, etc.

Make sure you either meet them all or can meet them before you begin.

7. How Long Will It Take Me to Complete My Education?

Depending on the required classes and state laws, different beauty schools may take differing amounts of time to complete. Ask before enrolling to ensure you can keep up with the schedule and that the time period suits you.

If you want to speed up the process by taking extra courses, or slow down due to other obligations, be sure to mention this as well. See if the school will work around what you need.

8. How Will You Help Me Prepare for Life After School?

There are two categories here: passing the state board exam and being prepared for your future career. Be sure to ask about both!

The best beauty school is going to make sure you know everything that might be covered on your exam, so you can pass with flying colors and obtain your license.

They’ll also make you feel prepared to begin your career by teaching you not just the beauty skills you need, but business, time-management, and customer service skills.

Some schools may also offer help with job placement.

9. How Much Does Tuition Cost?

Beauty school can cost anywhere from $5,000-$20,000. This is a huge range, and it’s important you know what you’re getting into, cost-wise.

The more prestigious a beauty school is, the more it will cost to attend. Think about your budget as well as the level of education you desire, before deciding on a school that’s right for you.

Down payments on tuition also range between beauty schools, so be sure to ask about this as well.

10. Does the School Offer Financial Aid?

If you need financial aid to cover the cost of beauty school, check and see what options the school offers. Accredited schools can offer government student loans, while non-accredited schools cannot.

Many schools also offer private scholarships or grants as well. When researching schools, inquire about payment plans or financial assistance programs for which you may qualify.

Bonus: Outside Research

It’s great to present all of your questions to the cosmetology school, but don’t forget they are invested in making their school look appealing to potential students.

You should also do your own research by looking at reviews and reading about the school online.

You might also try speaking to graduates of the school, or the facilities that hire them, to find out even more information about the quality of education you’ll receive if you choose to attend.

Touring beauty schools doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you have to, you can write down your questions beforehand so that you don’t forget anything.

Then, walk confidently into your future, ready to obtain all the information that will help you determine your best path forward.

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